Seema Malhotra today tabled an Early Day Motion celebrating the One World Marathon and the contributions of Cranford Community College:
That this House congratulates the One World Strong Foundation on launching the One World Marathon, which supports survivors of acts of violent extremism; further congratulates Cranford Community College, an outstanding school in Hounslow with a strong international dimension, on working with One World Strong to encourage pupils to participate and contribute to the One World Marathon; recognises the efforts of more than 7,000 people in 63 countries who took part in the inaugural One World Marathon completing the marathon distance of 26.2 miles in teams; notes that the One World Marathon aims to create a global community working together to achieve a common goal; further notes that the One World Marathon is about connecting people together from across the globe while promoting healthy lifestyles and a positive message of hope to counter those of violent extremism; pays tribute to those who participated in the inaugural event on the weekend of 12 to 15 April 2019 starting in Jordan and finished when the last runner crossed the finish line in the Boston marathon; and observes that the community marathon was fully inclusive with people of all abilities and ranging in age from 8 months to 83-years-old.