Yesterday, Seema Malhotra MP sent a Freedom of Information request to the Department for Exiting the European Union demanding answers about the sectoral analysis of the effect of Brexit on the UK economy.
In oral evidence given by Secretary of State Rt. Hon David Davis MP to the Select Committee for Exiting the European Union in December 2016(on which Seema sits), he stated that the Department for Exiting the European Union has “carried out or are in the midst of carrying out about 57, I think, sectoral analyses, each of which has implications for individual parts of 85% of the economy, and some of those are still to be concluded.”
In response to a Parliamentary Question from the Tracy Brabin MP, on June 26th 2017 DExEU Minister Robin Walker answered “The Department for Exiting the European Union, working with officials across Government, continues to undertake a wide range of analysis to support our negotiations. Our work covers the breadth of the UK economy, and we are looking in detail at more than 50 sectors… I can confirm that we will shortly be publishing the list of sectors we have been examining”.
The Government has publicly admitted that a list of sectors has been put together, and that as of June it was to publish the list “shortly”, that some of the analyses have been completed and that others are still underway. According to the House of Commons, neither the list nor any reports have yet been published.
Seema’s FOI request therefore asks for:
1. Publication of the list of the “more than 50 sectors” referred to in the June 26th 2017 statement by the Secretary of State;
2. The scope and terms of reference for each individual sectoral analysis.
3. Which of the “more than 50” sectoral analyses have commenced.
4. Which of the “more than 50” sectoral analyses have been completed.
5. Which of these sectoral analyses have been undertaken commissioned internally within the Civil Service and which have been commissioned externally
6. The publication of each of the “more than 50” sectoral analyses that have been completed, and for her to be sent a copy.
The full text of the FOI letter is below: