Following the news that a British Airways plane near Heathrow was hit by a drone yesterday, Seema Malhotra MP said:
“This shocking incident shows the need for an urgent review because this technology is going to become more widely used. So we need stronger rules, better education and enforcement. There must now be a proper investigation into how this happened and recommendations for how to use this technology in a safe and responsible way. We are seeing a rising number of near misses and Labour has consistently urged the Government to wake-up to the problem. We should learn the lessons from places like the US that have been quick to introduce a registration process.
Civilian drone technology is set to offer new opportunities for industrial development and services for consumers. The future could also see drones deliver our shopping. But we need to make sure these new devices are operated safely, especially around major airports and other public spaces. It’s clear there is a need for operators to have a better understanding of both the rules and risks, as well as ongoing review as technology changes.”