I have been working with residents and the police over last few months to combat Catalytic Converter thefts following a spate of thefts in the area. I am also continuing to campaign to raise awareness of this issues, so that we can work towards a better means of theft prevention.

I would strongly encourage people to make use of this free service. Here are the details from the police:

If you live in the borough of Hounslow and own either a BMW, Toyota, Lexus, or a Honda and would like to have your catalytic converter forensically marked with Smart Water please come and join the event at:

COSTCO, Southall UB2 5XJ
Date: 15th December 2021
Time: 1100 – 1400 hours

This is a totally free service being provided by the safer neighbourhood team and its partners. The aim is to assist police in tracing stolen catalytic converter back to its owner and this will also assist police with convictions.

You must bring your driving licence or proof of address.

Priority will be given to the above makes of cars as these are targeted by the thieves.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address: hestoncentral.snt@met.police.uk

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